App\Model\Product {#1634
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    "id" => 61
    "title" => "Stock for Girls to Adult Girls Sports Bra"
    "slug" => "stock-for-girls-to-adult-girls-sports-bra"
    "sub_title" => "Dolores et aut ut om"
    "price" => 2
    "description" => "<p>Label: CK</p><p>Color: 14/15</p><p>Size: ¾y t to 16/18 years</p><p>Goods Condition: 100% QC Passed</p><p>Goods Location: In warehouse at Dhaka, Bangladesh</p><p>Quantity: 2500 pcs</p><p>Reason of Stock: Shipment excess</p><p>Payment: Cash/TT/Bank Transfer/Swift Transfer/By Payoneer account, before delivery</p><p>&nbsp;</p>"
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    "status" => "on"
    "created_at" => "2021-04-17 06:07:20"
    "updated_at" => "2021-08-05 09:00:06"
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    "id" => 61
    "title" => "Stock for Girls to Adult Girls Sports Bra"
    "slug" => "stock-for-girls-to-adult-girls-sports-bra"
    "sub_title" => "Dolores et aut ut om"
    "price" => 2
    "description" => "<p>Label: CK</p><p>Color: 14/15</p><p>Size: ¾y t to 16/18 years</p><p>Goods Condition: 100% QC Passed</p><p>Goods Location: In warehouse at Dhaka, Bangladesh</p><p>Quantity: 2500 pcs</p><p>Reason of Stock: Shipment excess</p><p>Payment: Cash/TT/Bank Transfer/Swift Transfer/By Payoneer account, before delivery</p><p>&nbsp;</p>"
    "meta_description" => null
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    "created_at" => "2021-04-17 06:07:20"
    "updated_at" => "2021-08-05 09:00:06"
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