App\Model\Product {#1634
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    "id" => 63
    "title" => "Stock for Men's Full Sleeve Shirt 0"
    "slug" => "stock-for-men-s-full-sleeve-shirt-0-1"
    "sub_title" => null
    "price" => 2
    "description" => "<p><strong>Men's Full Sleeve Shirt</strong></p><p><i><strong>Label: 2 (Sun City &amp; Network)</strong></i></p><p>Color: 8<br>Sizes: S - XXL<br><i><strong>Total Qty: 38,000 Pcs</strong></i><br><i><strong>(Sun City- 32,000 Pcs &amp; Network- 6,000 Pcs)</strong></i></p><p><strong>Fabrication:&nbsp;</strong><br>Network: 75% Cotton &amp; 25% Polyester&nbsp;<br>Sun City: 35% Cotton &amp; 65% Polyester)</p><p>Packing: 1/1 Intact poly in shipment carton<br>Packing List &amp; Measurement Chart Available&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Price: &nbsp;FOB $1.90 per Pcs</strong><br><i><strong>Payment: Cash/TT/Swift Transfer/Bank Transfer/Money Gram</strong></i></p><p>Reason of Stock: Shipment Cancelled<br>Stock Location: Direct Factory Stock</p><p>Made In: Bangladesh</p>"
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    "created_at" => "2021-05-28 16:25:37"
    "updated_at" => "2023-12-21 06:13:10"
  #original: array:16 [
    "id" => 63
    "title" => "Stock for Men's Full Sleeve Shirt 0"
    "slug" => "stock-for-men-s-full-sleeve-shirt-0-1"
    "sub_title" => null
    "price" => 2
    "description" => "<p><strong>Men's Full Sleeve Shirt</strong></p><p><i><strong>Label: 2 (Sun City &amp; Network)</strong></i></p><p>Color: 8<br>Sizes: S - XXL<br><i><strong>Total Qty: 38,000 Pcs</strong></i><br><i><strong>(Sun City- 32,000 Pcs &amp; Network- 6,000 Pcs)</strong></i></p><p><strong>Fabrication:&nbsp;</strong><br>Network: 75% Cotton &amp; 25% Polyester&nbsp;<br>Sun City: 35% Cotton &amp; 65% Polyester)</p><p>Packing: 1/1 Intact poly in shipment carton<br>Packing List &amp; Measurement Chart Available&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Price: &nbsp;FOB $1.90 per Pcs</strong><br><i><strong>Payment: Cash/TT/Swift Transfer/Bank Transfer/Money Gram</strong></i></p><p>Reason of Stock: Shipment Cancelled<br>Stock Location: Direct Factory Stock</p><p>Made In: Bangladesh</p>"
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    "featured_image" => "public/storage/images/products/1701020053807887.jpg"
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    "in_stock" => "checked"
    "status" => "on"
    "created_at" => "2021-05-28 16:25:37"
    "updated_at" => "2023-12-21 06:13:10"
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